Pickpocketing tricks

Most trick thieves and pickpockets work in teams and collaborate with each other: for example, whilst one of the thieves distracts a person, an accomplice will steal from them.
They have a diverse repertoire. We have included some of the current methods here:

On the train: feigned help with boarding

Pickpockets in train stations often look out for travelers with luggage. A thief will appear helpful and will offer to carry the suitcase onto the train. While they rush ahead or create a traffic jam in the entrance of the train, an accomplice will take any valuable items from the victim’s handbag or shoulder bag.

In a crowd: jostling trick

One or more thieves push the victim in a crowd or sandwich them. An accomplice positions themselves in front of the victim and comes to a sudden stop. As the victim crashes into the accomplice and therefore becomes distracted, the pickpocket steals valuables from their rucksack.

As the victim crashes into the accomplice and therefore becomes distracted, the pickpocket steals valuables from their rucksack.

Theft from a rucksack Theft from a rucksackTheft from a rucksack

Theft from a jacket hanging up

Rows of seats, for example in a train or restaurant, offer thieves a great opportunity. As soon as someone hangs their jacket over the back of their chair, the pickpocket has access to it and is able to remove any valuable items from inside.

Escalator trick

Escalators provide thieves with various opportunities, for example:

  • A thief stands behind the victim on the escalator, and an accomplice stands in front. When they reach the end, the one in front will create a traffic jam, and the victim gets stuck. This allows the thief behind the victim to take their purse from their handbag.
  • A thief stands behind the victim on the escalator. An accomplice presses the emergency stop button. The sudden stop gives the thief the opportunity to carry out the theft unnoticed.

Begging trick

This trick is mainly carried out by children who pretend to be deaf and mute. The victim is met with a cardboard sign asking them to give some money. While the victim readily searches for change in their purse compartment, the thief takes bank notes from underneath the cardboard sign. The handle of the open handbag is also a possibility for pickpocketing.

Defiler trick

Commonly after a bank visit, the victim is “accidentally” covered in ketchup, ice cream or some sort of liquid. During lengthy attempts to clean up the mess, the money that the victim has just withdrawn disappears from their pocket.

Map trick

The pickpocket approaches his potential victims, acts lost, and asks them to explain the route using a map. While the victim is holding the map and orienting themselves, the pickpocket opens their handbag unnoticed.
While the victim is focusing on the map, the thief is able to remain unseen and steal more hidden objects.

Map trick Map trickWhile the victim is focusing on the map, the thief is able to unnoticedly steal hidden objects.

Football/dance trick

The pickpocket greets the victim enthusiastically, gives them a high five and takes their arm to dance with them, or puts their leg between the victim’s in order to show them a football trick. The pickpocket or an accomplice uses the victim’s inattentiveness to take their purse or mobile phone. People under the influence of alcohol are easy victims.

Supermarket trick

An accomplice inquires for a particular product in the supermarket that they are looking for. Whilst the victim is assisting them, their handbag is searched in the shopping trolley and their purse or the entire bag is taken.

Variation: The pickpocket asks the victim if they would help them reach a magazine from the top shelf. When the victim is reaching up to take the magazine, their open jacket falls forward. With their hand hidden by a magazine, the pickpocket reaches into an inner jacket pocket and takes out a purse or mobile phone. Once the deed is done, the pickpocket hides the stolen goods under the magazine and leaves the crime scene.

PIN spying

A thief watches the victim type in their pin number at an ATM. The accomplices create, for example, a human traffic jam, in which the victim’s purse together with their credit card is stolen. The card is given to the thief who spied on the PIN number as it was entered. The thief then goes to the next ATM and withdraws money from the victim’s account.

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